The Blueberries are not yet ripe.
What is ripe is the sporodochia of the Brown Rot on peach, most likely by the species Monilinia fructicola.
According to Diaseases of Trees and Shrubs, “M. fructicola and M. laxa differ in several habits. M. laxa kills many twigs and produces buff-gray sporodochia on them. M. fructicola, by contrast, cause much fruit rot but relatively little twig blight and produces dusty buff to fawn-colors sporodochia, (Sinclair, Lyon 76).
The first batches of fall webworms are folding over the Red Bud leaves. Cranshaw tells us in Garden Insects of North America, that larva have distinct paired dark spots on each segment of the back. The first emerging larva are small, and they are a joy to watch scramble under the scrutiny of a good hand lens. Egg masses can also be seen on the underside of leaves now for the first emergence.
Cranshaw notes, “Unlike the tent caterpillars, all larval development and feeding occur in the tents, into which leaf fragments, droppings, and cast skins become incorporated.”
Talk about hoarding.
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